Outdoor Branding Locations for Lease
Take your advertising to the next level with our prime Outdoor Branding Locations in Port Moresby! We offer two impactful options: Static Signage and Digital Signage, strategically positioned across the city to maximize visibility and engagement.
Interested in securing a spot? Simply fill out the form below, let us know your preferred locations, and provide your leasing details. We'll get back to you with availability and rates. Showcase your brand where it matters most!
- Full Name *Company Name *Company Address *Email *Phone *Location *Select an optionLength of Lease *Select an optionWhen do you want the Lease to Commence? *Do you Require Printing? *Select an option
Do you have land suitable for a billboard & interested in earning passive income?
Fill out the form & we will be in touch about how we can work together- Name *Email *Phone *Location of Potential Billboard? *Are you the Landowner? *Select an optionUpload Images of LocationUpload FileUp to 20 MB

Pacific Palms Compound
Ahuia St
Port Moresby
PO Box 239
NCD 121
Papua New Guinea
T:+675 3250387
F:+675 323 1287
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